Many colleges and universities have an internal job board where employers post entry level jobs and internships. While it might be tempting to rely exclusively on these internally posted jobs, by doing so you would be missing out on the majority of entry level jobs and internships available to you.
There is some good info there and yes, you should take advantage of it. The employers who post to the jobs database for your school are specifically interested in hiring students from your college or university. And many employers who are recruiting on campus also post their jobs here so it’s a good first round review of potential opportunities.
But the internal jobs database is only a very small subset of all of the entry level jobs and internships available to you. While you can use it as a starting point, do not rely exclusively upon it as your source of potential jobs.
There are many, many more employers hiring than you will see posting internally. The internal database tends to be locally focused. If you are open to relocation, there are many more jobs available than what you will see on your local site. And many small to midsized employers are missing altogether. Employers simply do not post to all schools because they have to pay to post per school. So employers tend to primarily post to local colleges and universities. If you’ve been thinking of moving to a new geography or, better yet, you are looking for the best job opportunity first and geography is secondary in your search, you need to expand to a national database of jobs.
When looking for optimal fit, the best fit for you may not exist in what is posted in the more limited internal jobs database. It is often a numbers game, the more job opportunities available, the more likely to find something closer to matching your skills and your needs.
Broaden out your job search options for after college. Look at the true big picture of where the best opportunities may be, beyond your campus.
The solution? Simple. Search entry level jobs and internships at CollegeGrad.com. We have more than 35,000 entry level jobs and more than 25,000 internships. Our jobs and internships are available to all students at all schools with no restrictions. The vast majority of our jobs and internships you will not find on your internal jobs database.