The Path to Interviewing Success
The interview levels the job search playing field for job seekers. No matter where you went to school, no matter your GPA, no matter how much experience you have, no matter who you know, if you aren't able to interview successfully, you won't get the job. Following are some insider secrets from the former VP Global Talent Acquisition at Amazon to help you successfully interview and get the job you want - and then negotiate the very best job offer!

Competitive Interview Prep
Interviewing is something you cannot cram for the night before and "ace" your interview. Take the time in advance to fully prepare yourself for job interview success.
Mastering the Interview
What really counts in the interview…and how to master your next one!
Ten Tough Interview Questions and Ten Great Answers
Here are ten of the most difficult interview questions that give trouble to many job seekers along with how to answer them properly.
100 Standard Entry Level Interview Questions
Review these most common job interview questions, along with some great example answers, in preparation for your interview.
Candidate Interview Questions
The interviewer is not the only one who should be asking the questions. You should be ready as well. Here is a complete list of the question you can (and should) ask.
Dressing for Interview Success
What you typically wear on campus won't cut it for the interview. Get the straight scoop on dressing the part.
Job Interview Articles
Read interview articles focused on specific aspects of job interviewing and how to be fully prepared.
How to Interview
Don't know where to start? Follow these seven steps to be ready to interview successfully.
Interviewing Videos
Watch our Job Search Minute videos all about interviewing. Available online for free!
On-Campus Interviewing
How to choose the best companies to interview with on campus…and make each count!
Phone Interview Success
It's not "just a phone call"—it's a real interview. Prepare properly so that it's not your last…
Company Site Interview Success
The company site interview is your moment of truth. This is usually your make or break for getting an offer.
After the Interview
Don't sit by the phone waiting for the offer after the job interview…do your part to generate job offers.
Job Offers
How to generate the job offer and what to do when you receive it. Negotiate like a pro!