About Your Mobile App Data

Entry Level Jobs - CollegeGrad by CollegeGrad LLC

Thanks for using our mobile app to find entry level jobs. We make managing your data simple. We process and store the least amount of your personal information required to make the app work.

Some of your data is not stored. We receive and process this data only as long as it takes to interact with your device. This is required for features like Job Alerts and Jobs Near Me.

  • Approximate location - based on your network location
  • Precise location (GPS) - only if you manually enable location services for the app

Some data is stored. This is needed for when you create an account or a job alert.

  • Name - only if you create an account
  • Email address - only if you create an account
  • Mobile ID - so we can find your device to communicate with it

You can delete this data through the app by deleting your account and alerts.

Deleting Accounts

To delete your account via the app, open the app and log in, open the app menu, tap on your name, then tap the DELETE ACCOUNT button.

You can also delete your account by logging in to the website at https://collegegrad.com/user and clicking the Delete Profile link at the bottom of the user menu.

Deleting Alerts

To delete your alerts, open the app menu, tap on Job Alerts, tap the alert you would like to delete, then tap the DELETE ALERT button. Note that deleting your account will also delete any alerts that were created while logged in to that account.

Job alerts can be created if you are logged in to an account, and if you are not logged in to an account. The process for deleting alerts is the same in both cases. To delete alerts from an account, make sure you are first logged in to that account (Menu < Login). To delete alerts not in an account, make sure you are not logged in to any account (Menu < Logout).

Additional Info

If you have trouble deleting your data or have further questions, please Contact Us.

View our Mobile App Privacy Policy.