Petroleum Pump System Operators, Refinery Operators, and Gaugers

Top 3 refinery operator Jobs

  • Food and Beverage Director - Reef Capital Partners - Park City, UT

    Responsible for ongoing operations, refining operating standards and practices as needed based on business conditions and seasons * Have an active presence on the floor during service hours

  • Purchasing Agent / Materials Coordinator; Ethanol Refinery; NE - MRINetwork Jobs - Anselmo, NE

    Our client, an Ethanol Refinery located in southeast Nebraska, is searching for a strong Purchasing ... The incumbent also directs the day-to-day activities of the Warehouse Operator and reports directly ...

  • Robotics Field Engineer | Reno NV - Slip Robotics - Sparks, NV

    Collaborate closely with customers to gather feedback on system operation and contribute to refining operating models. * Offer technical troubleshooting assistance to on-site technicians, aiding in ...

See all refinery operator jobs

What They Do

Operate or control petroleum refining or processing units. May specialize in controlling manifold and pumping systems, gauging or testing oil in storage tanks, or regulating the flow of oil into pipelines.


  • 2020 employment: 40,600
  • May 2021 median annual wage: $79,540

Job Outlook

Projected employment change, 2020-30:

  • Number of new jobs: 2,300
  • Growth rate: 6 percent (As fast as average)

How to Become One

Education and training:

  • Typical entry-level education: High school diploma or equivalent
  • Work experience in a related occupation: None
  • Typical on-the-job training: Moderate-term on-the-job training

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*Some content used by permission of the Bureau of Labor Statistics, U.S. Department of Labor.

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